Industrial Air Cooler is specially manufactured to provide a cooling environment in the industrial area where the temperature is much higher than the average area in which humans live.When it is installed in an open entryway or window, air is attracted out and made to go through Cooling pads which are cooled by normal water. This procedure cools the hot air which will pass in the room. The new cool air going into the room flushes out the stale sight-seeing through the open entryways and windows.
The Industrial Air Cooler which is also called as Evaporative Air Cooler is required to make hot air into naturally cooled Air which is not at all harmful for humans. It helps Humans to maintain their body temperature which is getting hotter from industrial machineries, crowded environment etc. And it also helps to generate the work efficiency of workers.
Industrial Air Cooler
Nature’s most efficient means of cooling is through the evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling works on the principle of heat absorption by moisture evaporation. It also happens on human skin, the body sweat and to cool temperature down. The process is same as you feel cooler when wind blowing from sea.
Moly cooler produces effective cooling by combining a natural process water evaporation with a simple, reliable air-moving system. Fresh outside air is filtered through the saturated evaporative media, cooled by evaporation, and circulated by a blower.
The Frame of industrial cooler is very simple. Water from the bottom water tank of the unit is pumped to the top and allowed to flow down over the evaporation cooling pads of the spot cooler, evenly saturating the pads. Then, a powerful blower pulls air through the pads, forcing the water to evaporate which lowers the ambient temperature. The cooler air is then blown by the unit at a high velocity where you direct the cool air to go.